life is stabilizing…

12 Nov

“Enjoying Autumn”

Hi! There…

Well, after almost two months of hospital and rehabilitation, mom is back home and we still haven’t heard if she will need home health care or hospice. Either way, I’d rather be home if I were dying.

So, far, the Chemotherapy seems to be effective in further tumor and cancer growth, but, no sign of it shrinking anything down to size. It’s also difficult to determine when she’s going to have a lucid day.

I’m also trying to remain calm as I just heard that my unemployment extended Federal tiers all end for everyone nationwide on Thursday, 12/29/12. If this wasn’t ending I would have received these benefits until August of next year. So, I’m feeling the stress of trying to find work now, too.

It’s really difficult to concentrate on my courses in school with all of this going on in my life, too.

But, I’m hanging in there!

Take care, talk soon,


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